Sunday, April 29, 2018

New Target

Hmmmm...don't feel like making fun of Mykan today. What else is on. And-

*Sees comment on bashing Black Panther*

Hello new target!

The movie's just a lesser version of Iron Man. Unoriginal, uncreative, it's the Marvel Cinematic Universe Filler crap, the same movie repackaged and sold to you yet again. 

-Wouldn't Strange be the lesser version of Iron Man? (Love the Dr. Strange movie) But hey, what do I know right? But, I think he's right. Iron Man is all about a man seeking redemption because he was a murdering socipath that realized he was an asshole and Black Panther is all about a man on the crossroads of destiny. Black Panther is all about a man who wants to try and change his people and see the error of their ways, trying to figure out where to go from here. So ,yeah....completely the same thing. I don't know why I didn't see this sooner.

The core concept is incredibly stupid, and the "Black pride" angle it took is just a shitty marketing gimmick.

-Yeah, can totally see Stan Lee thinking of how to market this to the black youths of 1960. 

 A successful one, given how many stupid, belligerent, historical-revisionist racist 

-Someone has found his word of the day Calendar!!!!!! 

animals thought they were "Sticking it to the man" 

-He does know that this is a term usually used by hippies to talk about how they are fighting the corperations right? 

by putting money in the man's pockets to see this film and defending it rabidly online whenever anyone criticized it, no matter what the reason.

-Especially those fanboys who opinions do not gel with mine. They are the rabid defenders and I am not an asshole. No really!

 A whole lot of fanboys also watched the film and defended it, but out of brand loyalty, because they're also idiots. 

-You are a DC nut aren't you?

I'm not saying EVERYONE who watched the film and liked it belong in these groups, but

-But I'm saying that everyone belonged in this group.

 they're the groups this film was targeted at. Anyone else who watched this crap film was just bonus cash in Marvel's pockets.

-Yes, because that was so what was the point. It's not like Black Panther was already an established character with an awesome fanbase who wanted to see him on the screen. It's not like he was an esemble Dark Horse in Earth's Mightest heroes. No, it was purely because of this.

The "Villain" is a racist idiot

-That was kind of the point of his character. It served to show a mirror of what this kind of isolationist thinking will get you. It helped to demonstrate why they needed to change their ways and why T'Challa needed to grow away from all of this. 

 who thinks only skin deep, but he also thinks their insular ethnostate should start giving away foreign aid and technological secrets to the suffering and failing black countries around it.

-Not just black countries...the world. He wanted to give the weapons of Wakanda to every nation that has a black population to give them a chance to kill the people who oppressed them. He felt like he needed to do this to gain back their culture that was taken and he cared not for who he hurt. And guess what, some of the countries around Wakanda are not failing or suffering, or are you one of those people who are convinced that Brazil has no skyscrapers.

 And if his ethnostate did start giving its secrets away, the countries around it wouldn't be shitholes. The movie fails to acknowledge this.

You did watch the movie right? I mean, this was excatly what T'Challa wanted to do at the end. This was what Shuri and Black Panther's ex wanted because they knew that the WORLD would be better off. I mean, unless I was watching the wrong movie,and I am pretty positive I wasn't. 

 The hero is an uncompelling and uninteresting idiot with no real personality. 

-Hey, don't mock Shuri! She is awe...

Oh, talking about T'challa?

HEy, don't mock T'Challa! He is a fun character, who shows deep love for his family and traditions but is not so beholden that he thinks that they are the only way. He shows some really good character moments. Hell, a part of this felt like he was being a James Bond like badass.

Everyone's hair looks stupid. Call that a minor gripe if you want, but the hair looks stupid. 

-This is probaby the stupidest gripe I had ever seen in my life.

The whole "Past meets future" angle they took with the weapons and armour looks even stupider, 

-Yeah, because I so totally didn't feel like I was brought into a real African culture that made me think that these people could exsist. Why can't they be more realstic, like this-

Image result for time lord outfit

because the end result gives us maaaagical sci-fi super-atlanteans

-...Atlantians? What? Wait, are you saying you looked into the future and saw the Namor movie? Quick, what was it like, was it awesome? 

 who use primitive sticks-and-spears and claw weaponry gussied up with maaaagical metal, rather than guns or bombs or maaaagical EMP whatevers.

-Wait, don't they have a mix, just like us? But beside the point...

Yeah, because we wouldn't want to have items that resemble swords and ancient weaponry mixed with future tech. Right Star Wars, Trek, and millions of other sci-fi? 
You could make these Black-Atlantis people blue, and do you know what it would change about the movie?

-Besides the location and the main character?


-Yeah, other than:

Namor being the main and having completely different personality.

The side characters being changed because Namor has a different cast.

The loss of the African culture and thus having to come up with something totally new

The ideals of the main character

The main villian of the picture because Namor don't got a rouges gallery.

The powerset

The familarity of the piece.

But you know, beyond that nothing would change.

it'd just be less marketable. And at the end of the day, that's what this movie was, a bad ethnic-pandering comic book 

-Depends on the writer. Personally, I always prefer the advanced Wakanda but we are not so advanced that we lost all normal characteristics of being a real culture.

turned into a marketing stunt.

-Yeah, because A Black Panther movie hadn't been in development since before the MCU was born. You know, this guy reads like he has never touched a comic in his life.

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