(Looks and sees a whole mess of blogs that I missed.)
Now, you see, this is what happens when you focus so much time on writing an entertaining story. You miss so many oppertunities for a good riff. So, lets see just what we can utterly evicerate, shall we?
Let's start our usual mockery with something related to my other stuff. If you paid attention to my youtube channel, you'll note that I am reading a yugioh and pony fic. It is pretty awesome and well made. As opposed to Mykan's stuff wich, as you may note, sucks to high heaven. So, to start, let's talk about how he develops scenes, shall we?
Sometimes I just hurry fics along so I can get to a special scene I want to have happen.
-Take note class, this is something that you should NEVER do. Now, while I admit to writing certain scenes or moments of my fics years in advance, I also take the time to think about them, and work towards them. I make the audience work for that moment, after all...if you rush it, then the scene will falter and look bad.
Someone once said, that writing a scene is like working with building blocks. You need to set a good foundation and work towards that moment. See Belle's death. I knew it was coming, but I needed to make sure you in the audience felt the emotions that the characters felt. If I just ran into it, then you would all find it lacking.
Sometimes I write out whole episodes or ENTIRE FICS just to use moments like them.
-Mykan, sadly, subscribes to the Micheal Bay school of writing.
(Which I find more interesting that growth or character development)
-Oh that naughty character growth. *Waves hand dissmisivly)
Let's look at my Yugioh Spiez fic (which has the ponies as the enemies)
-Can we not? the thing reads like baby's first duel monsters game and the story makes no sense whatsoever.
I wanted to have the ponies be enemies...
-Wich sounds like the start of most hate fics.
this way there's an excuse to beat them up and thrash them about.
-Through a children's card game!
It also means I get to use a line like this...
-Oh god, I have to actually see your dialouge? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
"They're invaders! They break into our world, they brainwash out people, they try to takeover and destroy us all-- they're invaders!"
-We would like to apologize for this line. We were trying to make fun of Mykan, but instead we were making fun of Frank Miller.
It also means I get to use ideals of scenes I've seen...
-You mean details! DETAILS! Ideas are things you believe in, details are part of the scene.
Like when Mykan Jaden beat up Princess Cadance for double-crossing after she was beaten in a duel.
-That you sadly, show that you were mastrubating on and gettig your rocks off. Thank you for the image by the way.
(16:55 to 18:02)
-Well, This thing is out of context and makes no sense to me since I don't like the show. Well, at least he isn't giving me the...it's the next line isn't it?
-Why don't I ever read these in advance?I began to walk over to her threateningly.
-Shouldn't that techinically be Luna's job, you know...Sailor Moon?“You stay back!” she snarled “I’m Princess Celestia’s favorite niece. If you hurt me, she’ll catch up with you… she’ll punish you! She’ll punish all of you!”
-Hey, uh, Mykie? Don't know if you noticed this yet, but this is very VERY rapey.She tried to make a run for it, but she ran right into an alley way near the dumpsters, too tired to fly out, and I was still approaching her.
-Yes Mykan, go and have your 'not me-but thinks a lot like me-and has a girl I have a crush on as a wife' author avatar beat a defensless already beaten woman. Surely this will have no reprecutions on you at all and will not make your charracter look like an ass.I raised my hand and fired two magical blasts at her. One knocked off her crown, and the other knocking off her necklace.
Or will it have anything to do with how Yugi is going to enjoy putting him through a world of hurt.
-Remember folks, his characters do not represent him at all. Or his opinions. And if you believe that...Then I lunged straight at her, shoving her hard against the wall.
-Also remember, we are meant to be rooting for the asholdI punched her hard across the face, and then rammed her twice in her gut.
She tried to ram at me, but I swerved out of the way, grabbing her by the horn, and I gave her a huge shove to the ground. Then jumped on top of her ready to deliver what could have been a huge finisher blow…
-Oh no, please don't stop there. Your crimes are already piling up. Please give me more ammo to use later.
-Please, you are just making the writer of evolution madder and you don't wnat him to be really pissed.“Mykan stop!” Sabrina shouted, having finally caught up to us. I gazed up at my wife as she softly told me “That’s enough. Don’t do it.”
The symbol on my head vanished as I felt a deep shame coursing through me for what I had just done and what I almost could have done! I angrily gazed down at the beaten pony and sneered very deeply at her, “I considered myself a rational human-being. No matter how angry I got! No matter how incredibly enraged enemies have made me, I have never taken another life in anger. Even when they deserved it, no matter how much I wanted to… I never… ever would kill.” I paused deeply and moved in closer sneered at her deeper than ever “...You almost made me forget that......Almost!”
-Yeah, because cheating is so worthy of all of this. It's jsut so much of a beatdown crime you know.
I loved that...
-I know, I am still wiping the stuff off of my screeen!
And then there was these parts, getting invade and blow Equestria into an inferno...
-But, it's still there later in Starfleet is Magic and if you people think I have an excuse for how this hackneyed plot works...I do.
This just never happened. It couldn't have, because it doesn't really make any sense when you think about it. I mean, really thik about it in any world. I mean, Twilight doesn't think about it, no one mentions it in the Starfleet movie. Hell, I forgot about it when I was discussing the plot holes.
(Picture it like this… 7:32)
-Like a really good James Bond flick? Ok, but I am right now thinking of The opening scene of Casio Royale over Goldeneye.
I love the ideal... bombs exploding, burning rubble fall all over the village as the ponies run in panic and get hurt,
-I have tp wonder, do you even watch the movies you steal from or do you just put in "Random-ass clips from cool things" onto Youtub and hit search.
which makes it easy to run in and attack... like this
-Like a bad tv rip from an Austin power flick?
There were no deaths, all the weapons were designed to STUN the ponies (Knock them to sleep for a while)
-In the middle of attacks and destruction. It's like, one of those poeple who summon pumpkinhead. They don't want the killings, but they want the revenge.
And finally... the MAIN NUMBER REASON OF ALL I made the entire fic, I wanted THIS to happen...
-Please don't link to a movie I like, please please please!!!
(Skip to 1:51 and picture it like this)
The tornado...
-Just the tornado. No context, no rhyme or reason, just the tornado. Are you related to the guy who loves the giant hole in the sky trope?
I pictured it all (Not just the mane 6) but 100s of ponies from Equestria... Dragons... Minotaur... Griffins... (Celestia herself would be the hunter) It felt so cool and well-deserving to me; all the Equestrians screaming and whirling around in the strong winds, and Celestia at the top... as they all go back from whence they came!
-In their own dimension. In a story that really has no link to thise scene and was out of place. Are you seeing the problem with your kittle idea yet?
I couldn't have had a better inspiring scene to fire me up for the entire fic itself...
-I could!
But there you have it, that's another portion of how I make my fics (Usually just to use certain scenes and lines)
-Out of Context without any chance to link it up with any sense of story telling!
and now, for Yugioh!
For my YUGIOH SPIEZ: Opperation Duel, FINAL SEASON...
-Aka, the abuse of the average comma.
-Aka, the abuse of the average comma.
The ponies were the bad guys, but not intentionally...
Excuse me a second...
*Looks it up*
Nope, this sentence is just messed up!
Princess Celestia's mind and body had been taken over by a power-hungry alien,
-Sadly this alien was not the borg queen or a brain leech from mars.
whom has brainwashed all of Equestria into doing her bidding to help her rule and destroy worlds.
-Wait a minute, this sounds familar...
Excuse me a second...
*Looks it up*
Nope, this sentence is just messed up!
Princess Celestia's mind and body had been taken over by a power-hungry alien,
-Sadly this alien was not the borg queen or a brain leech from mars.
whom has brainwashed all of Equestria into doing her bidding to help her rule and destroy worlds.
-Wait a minute, this sounds familar...
The ponies invaded the human world,
-Oh my Celesita this is the conversion bereau!
and used the game of Duel Monsters
-No wait, it's stupider and has less fans. Though a world without Chatyonance is not a bad thing.
(Which the alien is connected to) to amplify their powers, and brainwash the entire world
- "Buy our products, buy our products" oh dang it's already happening.
into becoming mindless harmonizers; they praise harmony and friendship,
-This is what people who hate pony tends to think the show is like.
and turn other people into them by dueling.
-You know, I so want to do a Yugioh TAS reference, but I just don't have it in me. Nope. Won't do it.
(In actuality, the alien is planning to destroy the Earth by using all this magic to draw the moon towards the Earth and CRASH...
killing everyone!)
-Mykan have you ever thought about bad guys who just want to rule the world or just to change everything? I mean, I never thought I would long for a stock world domination plot, but I kind of need it right now.
To stop the ponies, and reverse their curse, they need to be dueled and defeated,
-In a game I am still trying to figure out how you are able to do it with hooves. Or how Duel Disks work on hooves. OR why this was never mentioned in Starfleet. Yeah, tend to forget that when you talk about this, but how does this even BEGIN to fit into the continuity of Starfleet. Actually, now that I think about it, why didn't the Digital rangers do anything during this?
but each of them has acquired powerful decks that are difficult for under-classed duelists to beat.
-Why is it that my thoughts while reading this is turning to My hero Academia? Then again, most of the time when I am reading a bad fic blog, my thoughts turn to something better.
Only the pros should try and face them.
-Why? Is it because the pros have more experience?
Because they have more skill?
Nope! Because they are the main characters you fool!
-In a game I am still trying to figure out how you are able to do it with hooves. Or how Duel Disks work on hooves. OR why this was never mentioned in Starfleet. Yeah, tend to forget that when you talk about this, but how does this even BEGIN to fit into the continuity of Starfleet. Actually, now that I think about it, why didn't the Digital rangers do anything during this?
but each of them has acquired powerful decks that are difficult for under-classed duelists to beat.
-Why is it that my thoughts while reading this is turning to My hero Academia? Then again, most of the time when I am reading a bad fic blog, my thoughts turn to something better.
Only the pros should try and face them.
-Why? Is it because the pros have more experience?
Because they have more skill?
Nope! Because they are the main characters you fool!
I gave each pony a deck based upon their traits/personalities
Oh god you are serious about this. You, the guy who is determined to throw character development out the window, is willing to lie in order to make it so your character looks good, and then ignores important details so that way your characters seem good, are trying to base the cards on their traits and personalities.
Why do I think that this is going to be unpleasent.
(Only Card from original to Zexal were permitted as I was unfamiliar with Arc V then)
-Oh, and if I rip off from duelist stragedies in other wikis...ignore me!
Remember folks, Mykan has played this game before. And I do believe him...I just don't think hes won any.
Oh god you are serious about this. You, the guy who is determined to throw character development out the window, is willing to lie in order to make it so your character looks good, and then ignores important details so that way your characters seem good, are trying to base the cards on their traits and personalities.
Why do I think that this is going to be unpleasent.
(Only Card from original to Zexal were permitted as I was unfamiliar with Arc V then)
-Oh, and if I rip off from duelist stragedies in other wikis...ignore me!
Remember folks, Mykan has played this game before. And I do believe him...I just don't think hes won any.
RARITY: She has no single themed deck.
-Ahh, how did I KNOW you would find a way to insult your third least favorite mare in the group.
Her deck is all just random cards (Mostly female monsters)
-I don't know, Jounichi was able to get through it ok with a random theme deck.
that she believes are beautiful and glamorous. (which makes her the WEAKEST
-You know, I asked him about why not give her a crystal beast deck and he said he already gave it to one of the other protagonists. To that I say, 'yes, because it's not like anyone has a copy of another duelists deck in the show before.' And it's not like there is such things as Gem Knights wich would fit in her love of diamonds and knights in shining armor.
of the duelists due to having an unbalanced Deck)
-Now, in Duelst of the Autumn crown, Rarity is given a gem beast deck and it is awesome. It shows both her generosity and her love of gemstones. It helps to show off her style and poise during the duel.
Mykan here, is only doing this to insult her. He has no real understanding of the characters and wishes only to push the character into one catagory. Why does he do this you may ask? Because it is simpler for him this way. His mind cannot and will not comprehend a character acting beyond the limits that he has set for them.
Rarity has to be an idoit, she has to be incompetitant in spite of what the show demonstrates. Because if she isn't, then Mykan has nothing left to judge her on. HE immeatially defaults to one setting and that is it.
Now in Duelist, her gem beasts not only show off her skills, but her creativity. After all, as a seamstrees she is an artist and she needs a deck that can allow her to pull off creative combos.
Speaking of unbalanced decks, has anyone asked dork what his deck is?
-Ahh, how did I KNOW you would find a way to insult your third least favorite mare in the group.
Her deck is all just random cards (Mostly female monsters)
-I don't know, Jounichi was able to get through it ok with a random theme deck.
that she believes are beautiful and glamorous. (which makes her the WEAKEST
-You know, I asked him about why not give her a crystal beast deck and he said he already gave it to one of the other protagonists. To that I say, 'yes, because it's not like anyone has a copy of another duelists deck in the show before.' And it's not like there is such things as Gem Knights wich would fit in her love of diamonds and knights in shining armor.
of the duelists due to having an unbalanced Deck)
-Now, in Duelst of the Autumn crown, Rarity is given a gem beast deck and it is awesome. It shows both her generosity and her love of gemstones. It helps to show off her style and poise during the duel.
Mykan here, is only doing this to insult her. He has no real understanding of the characters and wishes only to push the character into one catagory. Why does he do this you may ask? Because it is simpler for him this way. His mind cannot and will not comprehend a character acting beyond the limits that he has set for them.
Rarity has to be an idoit, she has to be incompetitant in spite of what the show demonstrates. Because if she isn't, then Mykan has nothing left to judge her on. HE immeatially defaults to one setting and that is it.
Now in Duelist, her gem beasts not only show off her skills, but her creativity. After all, as a seamstrees she is an artist and she needs a deck that can allow her to pull off creative combos.
Speaking of unbalanced decks, has anyone asked dork what his deck is?
RAINBOW DASH: She duels with Cloudians, and Rainbow colored monsters (Preferably RAINBOW KURIBOH)
-Because she's a pegasus, get it!? GET IT!!!!!
Now, I love the cards in Duelest. I had never heard of Ultra Athlete until now and they look hard to manage but fun to play (Wouldn't know as I usually stick to my dragons and magicians) But the deck works surprisen;y well for both human and pegasus Dash. The althetes back each other up and the way you play them almost enjures that you have at least one on hand as a back up for your field.
Of course, I would also probably stick to a deck where she also has the speed advantage.
-Because she's a pegasus, get it!? GET IT!!!!!
Now, I love the cards in Duelest. I had never heard of Ultra Athlete until now and they look hard to manage but fun to play (Wouldn't know as I usually stick to my dragons and magicians) But the deck works surprisen;y well for both human and pegasus Dash. The althetes back each other up and the way you play them almost enjures that you have at least one on hand as a back up for your field.
Of course, I would also probably stick to a deck where she also has the speed advantage.
APPLEJACK: Since she's a farmer, I gave her a BUJING
-Don't know what that is, but it sounds insulting.
deck, which has animals and vermin that a farmer usually deals with,
-Hey, Mykie...what else does a farmer deal with? You know, you need to use them to feed people? It starts with the letter P? PLANTS!!!!!! You know, that thing they grow in Equestria?
Now, this is a problem for me. See, Applejack only got one real duel and only had a chance to show off her plant monsters. That was enough to show that the writer did care more for Applejack then Mykan ever did.
and also XYZ monsters that reflect the sun, as a Farmer rises early in the morning.
-Don't know what that is, but it sounds insulting.
deck, which has animals and vermin that a farmer usually deals with,
-Hey, Mykie...what else does a farmer deal with? You know, you need to use them to feed people? It starts with the letter P? PLANTS!!!!!! You know, that thing they grow in Equestria?
Now, this is a problem for me. See, Applejack only got one real duel and only had a chance to show off her plant monsters. That was enough to show that the writer did care more for Applejack then Mykan ever did.
and also XYZ monsters that reflect the sun, as a Farmer rises early in the morning.
FLUTTERSHY: Has a beast deck, but her strategy mainly involves a non-attack strategy (Winning through Card Effects) but she still will do battle if she must.
-And yet, no mirror force or it's countless variants. Hell, I prefer what they were doing on Duelist where Fluttershy's animals were all cute and weak, but she was able to make them very strong. Just like her.
-And yet, no mirror force or it's countless variants. Hell, I prefer what they were doing on Duelist where Fluttershy's animals were all cute and weak, but she was able to make them very strong. Just like her.
PINKIE PIE: She has a deck full of CLOWNS and funny animals, and gag spells and traps which represent fun. But one of her straigies involves the DREAM CLOWN
-Or something that represents her creativity and sillinest. Something that appeals to both her free spirit and her own love of baking. Hell, even a toon deck would more than something as simples as clowns.
Note: Duelest didn' have a pinkie deck.
-Or something that represents her creativity and sillinest. Something that appeals to both her free spirit and her own love of baking. Hell, even a toon deck would more than something as simples as clowns.
Note: Duelest didn' have a pinkie deck.
TWILIGHT SPARKLE: She uses a SPELLBOOK Deck, and her primary monsters are Spell-Casters (the GAGAGAs to be precise) Suits her perfectly... both a bookworm and a magical pony.
-What no Dark Magcians? Oh wait, those all belong to the protagonist.
This one, I really don't mind. However, I also would see her as a more techinical player, using a deck that would allow her to see her opponent's skill and styles before she can form a stragedy.
-What no Dark Magcians? Oh wait, those all belong to the protagonist.
This one, I really don't mind. However, I also would see her as a more techinical player, using a deck that would allow her to see her opponent's skill and styles before she can form a stragedy.
Note: Her deck does not contain any trap cards because she's loaded with Quick-Play spells and nasty effects that can put you on edge anyway. (Her XYZ monsters are even more deadly)
-What is your obession with these XYZ monsters?
-What is your obession with these XYZ monsters?
PRINCESS LUNA: I gave her the Arcana Force cards.
-Ok, here is where I think that Duelest again, beats out this story. See, not everyone has played Duel Monsters and not everyone is familar with the rules. I am a person who is only an average player and doesn't really get too deep. Thus, I prefer to stick with the fusions and such. Hell, part of Yugioh TAS's charm is that it skips the card game and uses the character interactions instead.
So, when you start talking about Aracna, XYZ, and yadda yadda, I have no idea what you are talking about. I am only here for the half of the story about ponies, so I am bascially a noob to any of this. Duelist remembers this and keeps it simple for the first story and even does a great job at putting you through the emoitions one feels when reading a great shonen manga.
It was time in all my Yugioh writing history I used them,
-Speaking of wich...
This is another problem with your entire fic in general. Who was this going to appeal to? No one really. Your fans who are only on this site have never really read your yu-gi-oh stuff, so they are all confused by the back story of Mykan Jaden and his family. Hell, I am still trying to figure out what happened to the three millenium items.
and they actually have a MOON and a LIGHT RULER, both of which falls in Luna's category.
-And dark types, don't forget dark types.
-Ok, here is where I think that Duelest again, beats out this story. See, not everyone has played Duel Monsters and not everyone is familar with the rules. I am a person who is only an average player and doesn't really get too deep. Thus, I prefer to stick with the fusions and such. Hell, part of Yugioh TAS's charm is that it skips the card game and uses the character interactions instead.
So, when you start talking about Aracna, XYZ, and yadda yadda, I have no idea what you are talking about. I am only here for the half of the story about ponies, so I am bascially a noob to any of this. Duelist remembers this and keeps it simple for the first story and even does a great job at putting you through the emoitions one feels when reading a great shonen manga.
It was time in all my Yugioh writing history I used them,
-Speaking of wich...
This is another problem with your entire fic in general. Who was this going to appeal to? No one really. Your fans who are only on this site have never really read your yu-gi-oh stuff, so they are all confused by the back story of Mykan Jaden and his family. Hell, I am still trying to figure out what happened to the three millenium items.
and they actually have a MOON and a LIGHT RULER, both of which falls in Luna's category.
-And dark types, don't forget dark types.
SPIKE: (Obviously) Dragons... and his standard strategy involves a OTK (One-Turn-Kill) using FIVE-HEADED DRAGON
-Because of course the male has the 'cool' and 'badass' monsters. Because the MALE has to have the really cool one hit dragons. And I love the five headed god dragon, but one hit kill? HA! There is a term out there in Magic called, killed by Doomblade. I wonder if there is one out there called, taken out by a mirror force!
-Because of course the male has the 'cool' and 'badass' monsters. Because the MALE has to have the really cool one hit dragons. And I love the five headed god dragon, but one hit kill? HA! There is a term out there in Magic called, killed by Doomblade. I wonder if there is one out there called, taken out by a mirror force!
SHINING ARMOR & PRINCESS CADANCE: Neither of them really have a specific deck strategy as they TAG-DUEL, but their stratgey
-Would comment on the spelling of stragedy here but that would by hypocritical.
involves protecting one another from effects and attacks, and switching control of monsters... Their main weapon is NUMBER 9: DYSON SPHERE
-And this is impressive, how?!
-Would comment on the spelling of stragedy here but that would by hypocritical.
involves protecting one another from effects and attacks, and switching control of monsters... Their main weapon is NUMBER 9: DYSON SPHERE
-And this is impressive, how?!
PRINCESS CELESTIA: She has a mixed deck,
-Ok, so I am going to gush some more on Duelist of the Autmn crown for a bit. One thing you might notice when you read Mykan's stuff is this...his duels are boring as crap. Now, why is that? Simple, there is no flare, there is no spice, or is there any style.
All that happens during the duel is essentially just Mykan reading off the cards and their effects. Nothing else and it becomes boring and dull.
one of monsters of extremely strong levels she can summon instantly, but her main line of attack consists of XYZ Monsters, preferable... CNumber 10000: Numerous
-And by overusing this card type you remove any chance to see anythign new. Yugioh duels should get your blood pumping in spite of the theme.
-Ok, so I am going to gush some more on Duelist of the Autmn crown for a bit. One thing you might notice when you read Mykan's stuff is this...his duels are boring as crap. Now, why is that? Simple, there is no flare, there is no spice, or is there any style.
All that happens during the duel is essentially just Mykan reading off the cards and their effects. Nothing else and it becomes boring and dull.
one of monsters of extremely strong levels she can summon instantly, but her main line of attack consists of XYZ Monsters, preferable... CNumber 10000: Numerous
-And by overusing this card type you remove any chance to see anythign new. Yugioh duels should get your blood pumping in spite of the theme.
But aside form all their different decks and strategies, all the enemies each HAVE and PLAY one extra special card-- RANK UP MAGIC ASTRAL FORCE
-Wich is not the seal of Orichalos, really!
-Wich is not the seal of Orichalos, really!
The evil alien was trapped on Earth, sealed within this card,
-It's Yubel actually, so it's way more interesting!
when it was captured for trying to destroy Earth. The Card was fired into the sun, but the alien managed to transport herself and THIS CARD
-Thank you for the capitalizaation!
to Equestria where she took over Celestia's body and began plans for her invasion of Equestria and Earth.
-Why Equestria you may ask and why not some other world? Fork you that's why!!!!!
-It's Yubel actually, so it's way more interesting!
when it was captured for trying to destroy Earth. The Card was fired into the sun, but the alien managed to transport herself and THIS CARD
-Thank you for the capitalizaation!
to Equestria where she took over Celestia's body and began plans for her invasion of Equestria and Earth.
-Why Equestria you may ask and why not some other world? Fork you that's why!!!!!
The Astral Mark appears on all the enemies forheads.
-So it's just like the Orichalcous.
As for the Heroes decks it's like this...
-Quick take a drink where he steals a deck from an actual protagonist.
-Quick take a drink where he steals a deck from an actual protagonist.
Mykan Jaden: Yugi Moto's deck (Altered)
Princess Sabrina: Cyber Dragons
Clover: Elemental Heroes/Neo Spacians
Sam: An Ocean themed Deck (Water monsters)
-*Is now too drunk to type*
Sam: An Ocean themed Deck (Water monsters)
-*Is now too drunk to type*
Alex: Red-Eyes Black-Dragon Deck
-*Is blind*
-*Is blind*
Mandy: Seto Kaiba's Deck (Altered... but she has the Blue Eyes)
-*IS passed out*
-*IS passed out*
Lee: Dinosaurs
-MY god man, come up with an original deck!
-MY god man, come up with an original deck!
Megan: Cyber Angels (Alexis Rhodes)
-We get it, you watched the show, for a few seconds.
-We get it, you watched the show, for a few seconds.
Marc: Synchrons and Synchros (But he has XYZ monsters too)
- It would help if we knew any of these things.
- It would help if we knew any of these things.
Tony: Destiny Heroes
-What is tis deck!
-What is tis deck!
Tami: Madolche Cards
-What, no UA
Jerry: (Duels odd screen) Ancient Gears
-One must wonder why someone would teach a spy master dueling.
Jerry: (Duels odd screen) Ancient Gears
-One must wonder why someone would teach a spy master dueling.
King Wilhelm (Sabrina's Father): Toonworld.
-Why does the goodguy still have toons? Don't aske!
-Why does the goodguy still have toons? Don't aske!
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