He has written about what?
NO! NO! You are not talented for this! You should not be talking about this!!!!
feeling really angry and upset (Things Change,
-Of course it is. It is always this, it is always this and ponies. Every single time I turn around it's about that episode and ponies. I just...AHHHHHHHH. It boggles the brain.
and voices in my head
-Mykan, you should not listen to the bad voices in your head. You should not listen to them and how you need to free the zebras in the zoo.
of bullies and loudmouthed adults who wronged me in the past)
-Ok, I think we really need to call the shrink in here, fast! I mean now. If he is starting to hear voices in his head then we are just one step away from school shooting!
so I'm making this blog to let off some steam.
And I am making this response blog because I need to let my mind Flow and grow from my experiences. And besides, this blog might be interesting.
A lot people (Usually very ignorant mockers)
-i.e people who have passed English class that actually taught things like character development and grammar usage. And those of us who do not see the little red squiggle in the editor as a bad thing.
Also people who actually tend to do things like read BOOKS!!!!!
not only continue to blame Starfleet for messing up the ponies world
-Because why should we not blame the military group for making ponies into things that they are not, making them believe that their ways of thinking are wrong, and those of them who join Starfleet usually don't get the chance to perform their jobs, usally seen as just hobbies.
because of all the enemy attacks and wars, but some even think it was Starfleet's fault that Equestria was invaded to begin with...
-Yeah, pretty much this. But, I think we have somethings to cover here.
...That's not right at all, no.
-Wait, are you trying to disprove this...
Ok, stop. Just stop right there, I am stopping you for a moment. This kind of thing is NOT easily solved by you just writing in your blog and saying "We're wrong, you're right" yadda yadda. This is the kind of thing that professional comics and superhero shows struggle with sometimes to create an interesting plot. This subject, right here, is not just one of your usual handwaves and this isn't really all of a problem scenarios. This is a thing that is usually handled with finess and careful writing and typically ends on one of those things you cannot stand. The thing that you hate the most...
A morally grey area.
The first thing you have to understand is, while is good in the worlds,
-Yes, and there is good in the worlds of DC comics and Marvel. However, the same writers who write those stories will come up with many different things to talk about when it comes to the importance of superheroes.
Hell, if pony was a more mature series (i.e 12-18 rather than the yougner set) than the subject of the monsters and villian uprisings in the intervening years of Twilight's gaining of the elements vs the previous era would be touched upon. However it is not, because this is not that kind of show.
Hell, Batman had an entire episode dedicated to this idea (I think it was called Judgement. It was where the criminals took over Arkham and put Batman on trial. It was actually pretty damn good) and so did the Dark Knight. One of the things I wish Civil War (the comic, not the movie. The movie was perfect) did more of was ask how far should the superheroes go? Even the Ultimates didn't touch upon this subject.
After all, one would have to be nuts to not say that Batman cleaned up Gotham; however, his presence also brought forth the supercriminal element. Now, you can argue that some of these villians (Two-face, Riddler, Mr. Freeze) would still continue their activities sans Batman, you also have to remember that these villians wouldn't have been brought to light were it not for the intervention of Batman.
This is something that is better explored through an entire season's worth of stories, or multiple chapters. Even then, the idea that it can end on a definitive answer is not only folly, but ingorance as well.
is always evil lurking somewhere. Heck, even Equestria itself in the NORMAL FIM series has had it share of enemy invasions.
-While I have seen it been jokingly asked, or even pointed out that it's weird that there was a 1000 years of peace before Twilight came and suddently-Boom- monsters every 26 episodes, it is usally used as a way to either demean Celestia or ask why? This, again, ignores how this is a question that is very VERY common to ask in productions such as this. Because it is odd.
Take Superman and Metropolis for examply. While MEtropolis is the cleaner version of Gotham, Superman's presence brought forth the creation of Metallo and Bizzaro for him to fight.
This is much like being the best gunslinger in town and you have saved the town from criminals. Yes, you have taken care of the vile villians, but you have now to contend with everyone wanting to challenge you for supremenacy.
Indeed, the question isn't "How did Celestia have a 1000 years of peace" but, is Twilight's presence and the presence of the elements of Harmony only bringing these villians to light. Cerebus would've still escaped and Sombra returned, but would Celestia now needed to take the field. Even an episode like the Cutie re-mark is not enough to answer this question because it is just one of a billion kind of variables.
So even if my canon-wise, Starfleet can hardly be held responsible for that.
-However, how can one say that Starfleet is not the ones who are also bringing some other threats to life and to summon these kind of villians in the first place?
Evil comes and evil goes, usually on its OWN accord.
-Um, Joker would like a word with you. As well as Dr. Doom, The symboties, Captain Cold, The black moon clan, Two-Face, several titan's villians who wouldn't even have surfaced, Metallo, Bane, I can keep going.
Now, it's true, Starfleet has a lot of enemies--
-Way too many for my blood. Do they have any friends?
they are a super defense force dedicated to fighting bad guys, so it comes naturally)
-Sometimes it comes even when you are not a defense force dedicated to fighting bad guys. Certain anime shows that it is also the villians that are responible for creating the heroes. Dragon ball, Naruto, and Yu-gi-oh are jsut a few to discuss. Berserk is an interesting case, mainly because you have to ask who is more responsible for the creation of the main character Guts. Yes, while Griffith's entire annhilation of the band of the Hawk is why Guts is a badass, there is another side to this. IF Guts had not saved Griffith, then he would've gone off alone and became his own man without much reason to worry.
Ruruoni Kenshin is actually an interesting case. Here is the list of bad guys who did not come for Kenshin. The Oniwanbanshisu. That is it.
but that doesn't really make it their fault that worlds get invaded or attacked.
-In a way it is and in a way it isn't. Again, this is not a black and white issue as you want to make it. It's grey, very very VERY grey. See, without Starfleet there to protect those worlds, then they are ripe for invading. However, being a part of Starfleet also paints a target for those would be invaders to want to challenge Starfleet for superiority.
After all, Starfleet can't BE EVERYWHERE,
-Wich is why those planets would still be in danger because bad guys would want to come in and attack those worlds for thier own personal gain. Either way, those attacks would happen, but the question then becomes does it acclerate those attacks. Would it even happen had starfleet even been there.
and the galaxy/universe is a pretty big place.
-Galaxy and universe are two different things, please get your head out of your ass and read a science book!
There, there is your usual comedy bits for the blog.
Evil can come anywhere, from anyplace, at anytime.
-At the same time, it usually comes with a purpose. And sometimes the use of a peace keeping force is that purpose, if for nothing else than to prove superiority over said peacekeeping force.
Now then... here is a list of all the enemies from the past seasons and movies (To now) that exist in the pony-verse of my canon.
-Want to see me destroy this? You know I do!
Super Nightmare
-Normal Nightmare Moon can suck it.
- Thorax would like to announce he is sorry for these guys.
-And I am still questioning why or why did not Twilight go crazy at the idea robots exsist.
-At last! Cannon!
Dr. Kudos
-Kudos: Leave me out of this.
-Raven: Uh, kind of busy trying to deal with my own existential crisis here.
Mayor Windybag
-Oh her.
-I'm howling at the moon!
-Aka, badly designed Discord.
Dark King
-Shining Armor!
-And the rest!
-Who I am still not sure you ripped off the Imortal Game for this.
-*Watches Lost Galaxy instead*
-Why the space station? Oh, yeah, your cannon. Pretty positive everyone is thinkig of my stuff right now.
Those lists are divided up for a reason:
-Because you have a hard on for lists?
Some of those enemies are strictly Equestrian enemies,
-I count Tirek, Sombra, Nightmare Moon, and Discord. Who do you have?
while others are Starfleet enemies,
-I count more there, but I am not a writer...oh wait, yes I am.
and some are BOTH,
-Ah, so we can go halvsies!
and it seems there are MORE Equestrian villains
-Bet I can debunk every single one of them?
Ha! Suckers bet, I can and will!
than normal starfleet villains.
-Why do I feel like this list is more biased than I would care for.
So regardless if Starfleet had come to Equestria or not, or even if Starfleet LEFT Equestria and never returned...
-Wich can't happen since the, you know, Unicorpia going kaboom thing.
in my verse that DOES NOT, AT ALL, mean the planet will be safer and that no evil will attack again.
-Does anyone really think this. Oh wait, one person probably does and if you are Mykan, that means everyone.
Here are the villains motives...
-Wich, of course, are as follows: Destruction, mayhem, and more destruction.
-Here we go, the good villians...in the show cannon.
Super Nightmare Moon (Season 1):
-Oh, her. Aka, the Nightmare Moon that really isn't anything like Nightmare Moon because you took away everything that made her interesting.
In FIM Season 1 (the first eps) when Twilight and friends used The Elements of Harmony on Nightmare Moon, the defeated her and turned her into Princess Luna.
-Has it really been eight years? My, how time flies, soon a new generation will come on and I will have some new clop to enjoy.
In MY VERSE, what they actually did (Without realizing it) is they SPLIT the good from the evil.
-And this process is...never explained in the slightest. It's not explained how this worked at all. It just happened so Mykan can ruin Nightmare Moon for you all.
so while The Good (Princess Luna) was okay,
-So, does this mean she has no evil qualities at all? None whatsoever? Are we talking Picciolo and Kami-sama here?
The Evil (Nightmare Moon) had not really been destroyed for good.
-Yep, Picciolo.
This evil fled out into space and training to gain strength and power,
-How do you even do that as a formless entity? Do you find little training gloves? How did she gain a form with no one noticing? How did she even gain a desire without Luna? Why doesn't she care about eternal night?
vowing to return one-day to conquer the planet, and after enlisting a little help from
-Her friends.
Titan's minions,
-Hey, sweetie? They're called Titans trio! Get their freaking names right.
She... now Super Nightmare Moon... and her followers, returned to enslave Equestria with an Iron-Fist (Which they did)
-Poorly I might add. It's like they never ran a country before and only did what they thought worked from the tv shows that they had watched. Not realizing that some of them, were crappy.
Now many people mock and ridicule me thinking that Rhymey was responsible for this
-WHO? I have read every mock of the first season (Help me!) and I have NEVER seen anyone say Rhymey was at fault here. Are...are you seeing one person's comment and using that to define everyone? Please, give me evidence. Show me proof. I can show evidence of some very nazi like qualities in Starfleet, but you can't show me anything to back up your bullshit.
(for he had gone to Equestria to retrieve a Star Stone) but the truth is, Super Nightmare was planning to return on her OWN accord, and didn't even know of Rhymey or Starfleet at the time (she was not thoroughly informed)
-Wait, then how did she know about the trio?
The problem with this is...The trio, her minions? Were created by Titan to fight Starfleet. She only had them, because Titan came into being and created the trio. She would've had to get new minions to fight the ponies, if there was no Starfleet.
THE CHANGELINGS(Season 2) Cadance and Shining Armor did beat the Changelings at The Royal Canterlot Wedding, but as you all saw, they didn't really destroy them, but rather sent them and Chrysalis FLYING off into the distance.
-Yeah and that was pretty awesome. So was the comic story behind it.
That's not really beating them for good (It was always known they could return, which they DID in the regular FIM series) My Season 2 happened long before the FIMs version of the Changelings returned.
-This was not awesome, and ruined some interesting villians by saying they just possessed things.
Cacoon: And it should've worked!!!!!
The fact still remains however, They are enemies of Equestrians, not originally of Starfleet.
-Ah, finally, something we agree on. Watch him ruin this feel good moment for me!
They would have returned and caused trouble REGARDLESS of Starfleet being there or not. In my season 2, they had returned and were aiming to take over the planet as well as to feed on energy they needed to survive,
-Not take over, just turn the planet into their personal buffett.
but again, Starfleet was not responsible for their return. (And this time, there is NO THORAX... he didn't exist when my season came out, not for a long time)
-But Starfleet was responsible for them coming up with a new stragedy of fighting. If Starfleet didn't have their super-powerful scanners, then the Changlings would've continued to use thier old stragedies. Sadly, this is one of those tough situations that is hard to fix. No tech, no possession. Have tech, possession.
THE ROBOTS(Season 2) In my verse, Many years ago before Twilight Sparkle was even born, Princess Cadance had a brother... Prince Fratello.
-Wait a sec! If there was an invasion many years ago, then why doesn't Twilight want to investigate more about it? Actually, why are they so quick to not believe Fluttershy about the whole Unicorpian thing if they knew there were aliens out there? Why weren't they more prepared and why is it that Starfleet is surprised about robots if they could've just asked
"Hey, Equestria, how are the robots?"
"Hey, Equestria, how are the robots?"
-I look at the robot design and all I can think of is
"Robot cannot understand the OOOHman."
And the young prince looks like a loser. Now, I also have to wonder why Celestia suddently will pick this guy to be her sole heir considering she is going to live for a very long time and he...will not..
During a royal family outing (With Celestia)
-Because it is very important that we know that Celestia was there. It is very important that we knew of this.
a band of powerful, alien Robots from outer-space
-*points above* I repeat my eariler statement.
invaded Equestria, in their conquest to conquer the entire dimensional universe
Again with the dimensional multiverse! Hey, three year old, would you mind growing up and use big people terms?
and build it into a world of machines!
-Are we sure he didn't watch Doctor Who? Because this is similar to the Cybermen.
When the Equestria forces failed to stave them off, Fratello donned the armor and weapons of the only taken-down robot,
-Wait, then why didn't they repeat the process with wich they used to kick that one's ass? Did...did they just get lucky or is this one of those things that doesn't get explained and we need to just go with it.
and destroyed the remaining soldiers.
-Choice B then.
However, he was suddenly infected and infused with the robot's evil programming,
-I have to laugh at this, because this basically means that programming, wich is logic based, can be defined as evil or heroic. What, is there an evil and good switch somewhere on the back?
turning him into a monstrous mechanical menace, who escaped Equestria, but vowed to rebuild his forces and return one day to finish what was started.
-Why? Why not go to a better planet? Actually, why is his beef with Cadence?
So, in my Season 2, The Robots would have returned to attack the Equestrias, WITH or WITHOUT the presences of Starfleet.
-Wait a moment though. Chrysalis only teamed up with the robots to gain an advantage on Starfleet. If Starfleet didn't exist then she wouldn't have needed to team up with Starfleet. What's more, with Unicorpia being this advance badass civilization, then they would've attacked that first.
-Wait a moment though. Chrysalis only teamed up with the robots to gain an advantage on Starfleet. If Starfleet didn't exist then she wouldn't have needed to team up with Starfleet. What's more, with Unicorpia being this advance badass civilization, then they would've attacked that first.
In the regular FIM season, Sombra was Vanquished in THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE PART 2,
-Yeah, he fell down and go...
but in my verse, just as was the case with Nightmare Moon, Sombra (Unnoticed by all) was only crippled, he was not destroyed.
-Wait a minute, didn't you say that you only keep the cannon as up to season 3 and the first EQG movie? This is going against, not only what was established in those season, but what was shown on screen. He was exploded, detonated, went boom!
You can't just go around messing around with what is on the screen just to satisfied your own ego. That's just stupid!
So he fled into space to regain strength enough to keep existing,
-Because why not space? It has to be because Mykan would never trust magic.
but his spirit required a body, and the only thing that could grant him what he wanted was THE CRYSTAL HEART itself.
-Wich somehow shattered and they just so happened managed to make a brand new one.
In the regular FIM season, Sombra was Vanquished in THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE PART 2,
-Yeah, he fell down and go...
but in my verse, just as was the case with Nightmare Moon, Sombra (Unnoticed by all) was only crippled, he was not destroyed.
-Wait a minute, didn't you say that you only keep the cannon as up to season 3 and the first EQG movie? This is going against, not only what was established in those season, but what was shown on screen. He was exploded, detonated, went boom!
You can't just go around messing around with what is on the screen just to satisfied your own ego. That's just stupid!
So he fled into space to regain strength enough to keep existing,
-Because why not space? It has to be because Mykan would never trust magic.
but his spirit required a body, and the only thing that could grant him what he wanted was THE CRYSTAL HEART itself.
-Wich somehow shattered and they just so happened managed to make a brand new one.
So, Sombra returned to Equestria, and again... Starfleet cannot be blamed for that. Evil comes as Evil goes.
-This one is...probably the only one I don't have a good counter for.
-This one is...probably the only one I don't have a good counter for.
RAVEN(Season 3)
-Maude, is that you? Why are you a batpony and why are you with crystal dreams and where is her cutie mark?
Is my own creation
-Yeah, because I can't imagine even the worst pony creator OC would ever look like this.
and in my verse, she wishes to murder Celestia whom had accidentally killed her husband in a horrible accident.
-And there is a slew of problems with that. But, here is Twilight Sparkle with a better explination of those plotholes. “Let’s ignore that Ponyville didn’t even exist until ninety years ago and focus on the two important things. One is, why didn’t Celestia teleport to the bad guys who had stolen her jewels instead of flying. Actually, why was she even with the royal jewels anyway and what criminal would be stupid enough to attack in broad daylight and in the presence of the princess herself. Second, what guard would hear “please help me!” and think “Hmmmmm, she is trying to get in the way, oh well. I’ll just ignore her.” No guard would be so stupid as to do that! And then you just magically disappear, that quickly? What you didn’t stick around.” that was when Twilight’s eyes shot up, “Wait, one last question. If you are a unicorn, then you had telekinesis, if you had telekinesis, then why didn’t you just lift up the carriage with your magic and save your husband.”
So Raven is after Celestia on her own accord, and Raven could have still killed Twilight if Twilight had tried to interfere with her plans or get in the way.
-Yes, once again we have to blame the victim on this one, because why the hell not?
But again, it's not Starfleet fault that Raven appeared and went after Celestia. Raven hunted Celestia down on her own accord.
-Well, in the Starfleet cannon she wasn't there because of Starfleet ;) But, again, Starfleet made the situation worse as they refused to help or do anything to investigate this. Also, interesting that she is attacking when there is this group here. It feels that she could've attacked at anytime. However, this is one of those debatable moments. Did Starfleet open up the area for an attack? Did they make the evironment more hostile and sucectbale to monsters like Raven?
Before we continue... note this:
-Black is not a neutral color, no matter what they say
Since I only allow MLP canon from seasons 1-3 and the FIRST Equestria girls movie,
-Well, that is all well and dandy, peachy keen. There is just one thing you are messing up here.
that means all things Season 4-and up, and all the other movies NEVER ACTUALLY HAPPENED in my verse.
-Yes, but you have to consider that you-
So when things from those seasons are used, I can COMPLETELY REVISE them... since they never originally appeared in the series to begin with.
-Fine! Let me break this down for ya.
-Well, that is all well and dandy, peachy keen. There is just one thing you are messing up here.
that means all things Season 4-and up, and all the other movies NEVER ACTUALLY HAPPENED in my verse.
-Yes, but you have to consider that you-
So when things from those seasons are used, I can COMPLETELY REVISE them... since they never originally appeared in the series to begin with.
-Fine! Let me break this down for ya.
Lord Tirek & Dr. Kudos/The Phantom of Magic(Season 4)
-Hiss the villian folks. He is probably entering Ensemble darkhorse with the family here.
Dr. Emil Kudos was once an Earth Pony marriage counselor, who lived a life of neglect, betrayal and abandonment.
- A well renouned marriage counseler, remember that. One who had a friendship with Shining Armor. And had other friends too. As a matter of fact, the only abandonment that we know of was his girlfriend breaking up with him.
He was always being one-upped by Unicorns and Pegasai and their abilities to do magical things that an Earth Pony can't do (Magic powers and spells)
-You are esstientally responsible for every single pony in existance getting the food they need to survive. You can grow better than most people. But wait, appearently, growing is a skill that is easy for anybody to learn. You just need to know how to plant seeds and how to use a plow, wich is appearently easy if you are one Mykan.
Well, as a guy who can just take a small drive to a nearby farm full of chickens and the like, let me tell you. It aint that easy! Oh, wait, maybe you are like some of those film makers who want to show the abandoning of tech and how easy it makes life and that all we need for posperity is to go back to nature.
Well, here is the truth Mykan, growing is not that simple. Hell, in Fallout Equestria, they mention that they have limited resources in the cloud city and that the cloud farms are problems.
Here is a short list of things you need to farm and very HARD skills to learn.
1. time to farm, different plants grow at different times.
2. How to plant seeds. You can't just open a hole in the ground and put the seed in. Put it in wrong and the plant grows wrong.
3. When to till the soil, how much force to put into the plow, and how to move it. Yeah, believe it or not, that was not Rarity being an idoit.
4. To check the land for nutirent.
5. Figure out wich is the best place to farm.
7. How much to plut aside for farming and when not to farm.
8. Varitey of crops.
9. Am I good at growing these crops?
These are not skills that you just 'learn'. You need to practice at them for a long time. And guess what, the ability to know these right off the bat is a little bit magical.
eventually he grew so angry he was manipulated by Lord Tirek to work for him,
-Hmmm, lets see things that Tirek would rather choose for his toy than a pnoy...
And how did they move all of the prisoners onto Shama or whatever-the hell-it's called, and not a single fairy was absorbed by Lord Tirek or used by him? Why didn't he used the fairies to teleport him off world and to a place where he could gain power? Where is Tartartus in position to UE?
to gather Cutiemarks to help set him free. Little did Kudos know that Tirek was just using him like a pawn.
-Yes, I can so see the brillianse of working with-
Hey, wait aminute...this is just Count Logan...AGAIN!
Point is, again... those are originally enemies of Equestria, not of Starfleet. The two of them appeared on their own accords, Starfleet didn't draw them in.
-Again, Starfleet seems to make the world easier for it to happen. It's not so much that they bring it in, but they seem to nuture the enviroment for these things to happen.
See, here is the other problem when you are looking at this. One must also adsk if a hero is just fostering an enviroment for the evil to thrive because they crave it. Sure, Mr. Freeze will still exist, but one must wonder that, without Batman, would he
-Again, Starfleet seems to make the world easier for it to happen. It's not so much that they bring it in, but they seem to nuture the enviroment for these things to happen.
See, here is the other problem when you are looking at this. One must also adsk if a hero is just fostering an enviroment for the evil to thrive because they crave it. Sure, Mr. Freeze will still exist, but one must wonder that, without Batman, would he
Scaley(Season 5)
-Seasonf what now? Oh, yeah...this one. Kind of got bored on this one. Beyond the miscarriage thing, I don't think there was much to talk about.
Spikes elder sister, sealed away and frozen for thousands of years (Like her brother was)
-Wait, what?! But, how? When was her clutch laid? Who was her brother beside Spike? Just how old was the father? Just how much time was passed between his lay and the layign of the sisteer. How old was Equestria.
Why am I in a starfleet uniform!!!?
She prefers dragons to be big, mean and scary, and terrorize ponies,
-Interesting motivation...in that it really sounds like you are aiming for a six to five year old crowd.
while Spike prefers to be a NOBLE DRAGON: prefering to befriend the ponies and be nice and helpful. Scaely considers her brother a traitor and decides to destroy him if he does not join her and be a "Real" scary dragon.
-Again, are we sure this is meant for 8+ Because this feels straight out of a six year olds storybook!
-Seasonf what now? Oh, yeah...this one. Kind of got bored on this one. Beyond the miscarriage thing, I don't think there was much to talk about.
Spikes elder sister, sealed away and frozen for thousands of years (Like her brother was)
-Wait, what?! But, how? When was her clutch laid? Who was her brother beside Spike? Just how old was the father? Just how much time was passed between his lay and the layign of the sisteer. How old was Equestria.
Why am I in a starfleet uniform!!!?
She prefers dragons to be big, mean and scary, and terrorize ponies,
-Interesting motivation...in that it really sounds like you are aiming for a six to five year old crowd.
while Spike prefers to be a NOBLE DRAGON: prefering to befriend the ponies and be nice and helpful. Scaely considers her brother a traitor and decides to destroy him if he does not join her and be a "Real" scary dragon.
-Again, are we sure this is meant for 8+ Because this feels straight out of a six year olds storybook!
That's another normal Equestrian enemy. Can't blame Starfleet for this one.
-Again, I can. Starfleet helped Spike get the armor, the armor made him a bigger target and ore on the radar. This then attracted his sister. She probably wouldn't even have know he existed were it not for him and left well enough alone.
This is yet another problem. Sometimes bad guys only want one thing and then leave with no real desire to continue their crimes. Clock King (In BATAS) only wanted the mayor dead. Batman stopped him and in return, made Clock King an enemy of Gotham.
Yes, these crimes are being stopped but by becoming a high profile hero, they are just bringing in more and more villians. (See, this is why you should not have a guy who believes in absolutes talk to a morally grey person)
-Again, I can. Starfleet helped Spike get the armor, the armor made him a bigger target and ore on the radar. This then attracted his sister. She probably wouldn't even have know he existed were it not for him and left well enough alone.
This is yet another problem. Sometimes bad guys only want one thing and then leave with no real desire to continue their crimes. Clock King (In BATAS) only wanted the mayor dead. Batman stopped him and in return, made Clock King an enemy of Gotham.
Yes, these crimes are being stopped but by becoming a high profile hero, they are just bringing in more and more villians. (See, this is why you should not have a guy who believes in absolutes talk to a morally grey person)
Mayor Windy Bag(Season 6) A cruel, greedy, and tyrannically Mayor of White Tail village,
-I'm just shocked that Mykan remembered a place in White Tail woods.
even long before Starfleet had come to Equestria, Windy Bag was a cold-hearted, bullying criminal, an embezzler, extortionist, blackmailer, briber, fraud, and even an abusive mother to her son Lippy Sync
-Of course she is an abuser. Why not. Ladies and gentleman, murder arson, and jaywalking!
who did not appreciate her tyrannical ways, as well as a bully to anyone who did not comply to her way of thinking.
-So...an even more ruthless Starlight?
-I'm just shocked that Mykan remembered a place in White Tail woods.
even long before Starfleet had come to Equestria, Windy Bag was a cold-hearted, bullying criminal, an embezzler, extortionist, blackmailer, briber, fraud, and even an abusive mother to her son Lippy Sync
-Of course she is an abuser. Why not. Ladies and gentleman, murder arson, and jaywalking!
who did not appreciate her tyrannical ways, as well as a bully to anyone who did not comply to her way of thinking.
-So...an even more ruthless Starlight?
So even without Starfleet, there's an evil criminal right there, just like there is in EVERY DAY LIFE. You can't blame Starfleet for that...
-Yeah...I can here too actually.
Since you never really go into the election process or how the other towns operate now in Starfleet, you leave it open to interpitation as to HOW this woman rose to power. Since this is a mayor, nothing was really stopping the population from voiting her out, except, with the idea that there are frequent monster attacks and that Starfleet is hated by some percentage of the populace. All she would need to rise to power would be to run a platform of no Starfleet and boom. She is in the seat.
-Yeah...I can here too actually.
Since you never really go into the election process or how the other towns operate now in Starfleet, you leave it open to interpitation as to HOW this woman rose to power. Since this is a mayor, nothing was really stopping the population from voiting her out, except, with the idea that there are frequent monster attacks and that Starfleet is hated by some percentage of the populace. All she would need to rise to power would be to run a platform of no Starfleet and boom. She is in the seat.
In my upcoming Season 7 (Not telling you who they are),
-Oh no, please don't leave us in suspense. I am so invested in your little tail that I kind of retconned out of the world.
BOTH the main and secondarry enemies are also not original enemies of Starfleet, and even if Starfleet wasn't there, they would have come just the same.
-Please see my comments about it festering and making the situation worse above.
-Oh no, please don't leave us in suspense. I am so invested in your little tail that I kind of retconned out of the world.
BOTH the main and secondarry enemies are also not original enemies of Starfleet, and even if Starfleet wasn't there, they would have come just the same.
-Please see my comments about it festering and making the situation worse above.
Now let's move on to JUST Enemies of Starfleet...
-And away from the non-cannon bad guy OCs that you made up that I wonder if they are just metaphors for a horrible family life.
-And away from the non-cannon bad guy OCs that you made up that I wonder if they are just metaphors for a horrible family life.
-Yay! One of my favorite Villians. I love the way he is powered and his story is-
Oh, right, wrong Titan/ I was thinking of the cool Titan.
(Season 1, Starfleet Magic: The Move, Starfleet Magic The Movie: Human in United Equestria)
-Yay! One of my favorite Villians. I love the way he is powered and his story is-
Oh, right, wrong Titan/ I was thinking of the cool Titan.
(Season 1, Starfleet Magic: The Move, Starfleet Magic The Movie: Human in United Equestria)
-Why does he look like he was to do the macarena?
The most deadliest and recurring of enemies in the pony-verse (My verse):
-And he is...just like everyone of your other villians. And worse, I think he might be the best one. This is just scary on so many levels.
Lord Titan wishes to conquer and destroy the entire Dimensional Universe,
-Good luck spending the next billion years on that. Want to start galaxy 1 or 2?
and blot out all Friendship, love and harmony so that only Darkness and Hatred remains.
-And cause high taxes, eat your lunches, and then wipe out all of your game saves!!!!!
While he may be Starfleet's enemy first, prior to encountering Starfleet, he had already destroyed many star-systems
-Oh no! And I have no connection to any of them and thus it makes hard for me to care!
and killed many beings, wiping out their races.
-And yet, he was having problems with Unicorpia why? This is the problem with your villians, they just want to destroy and nothing else. They usually end up lband and lack any personality.
Equestria was just LUCKY he didn't happen to come along... the fact remains that HE COULD HAVE, and you can't really Blame Starfleet for that. Evil comes and goes where it wishes.
-Yeah, I can. Since the universe is a vast and large place, it would've been centuries, if not millenia for Titan to even arrive. Bythen, anybody we would've cared for on Equestria would've been dead and buried. However, less we forget, it was Grand Ruler who imprisoned Titan in the first place. HAd he not stood up to Titan, then the being would've destroyed and then left to another world. By imprisioning him, he just made a more powerful threat that ended up attacking Starfleet, created the trio, and then ended up destroying Equestria.
Yes, while Titan would've come anyway, we still must thing about what Grand Ruler did. Was it the right thing ro the wrong thing? Wasn it right for say, Mr. Fantastic to stop Galactus from devouring us? Yes, you may say? But consider this...
-Silver Surfer was stuck on Earth for almost a year.
-Dr. Doom stole the board.
-Galatcus was allowed to roam free, unhindered by a herald.
-The Ultimate Nullifier has been lost
-Earth now knows of the bigger space threats.
-Silver Surfer was now forced to deal with the sins of his actions.
-And I am pretty sure Galactus destroyed Norin Radd's Homeworld out of spite.
By stopping Titan, all Grand ruler did was stop the invetible and cused a monster's anger to grow. This probaly made the attacks worsen and for him to get new ideas. Hell, he now needed to steal energy, causeing more toruble for the civilains.
SERPENTARI(Season 1) An evil, gargantuan reptilian-like serpent demon,
-Excuse me for a sec-
Stupid bloody demon cliche.
Don't believe him on the gargantuan thing guys, it's just as big as a house. Shame, in my head I thought he was Godzilla proportions.
who scours the galaxy in search of The Star stones,
-Wich were made by...
scattered about,
-And they were scattered by whom?
so she can become invincible and rule the universe!
-Are you foing to answer the above? Because I think you forgot something here. Now, what was it? Oh yes...Starfleet made the star stones!!!!!
She is neither initially an enemy of Starfleet or the Equestrians, but just as evil.
-Not really, she just blew things awa...Wait a moment.
When she can't find a star-stone on the planet she searches,
-Wait a second.
she destroys the planet so that the stone cannot be hidden there later.
(Lighting's home planet Harmonious was destroyed in her search) eventually she invaded Unicornicopia, but she could have also hit Equestria any time in her search as well,
Forgettign something? Depending on the original or remake, this is totes Starfleet's fault. See, in the original, this was Titan's dad who wanted the star stones to bring back his dead world. Starfleet, in their unlimited wisdom, wanted none of that. So they let him destroy for eternity.
In the remake, this was an old girlfriend of Titan's who is now trying to regain her beauty. If they let her gain her beauty back, then most of this could be advoided but nope! They selifishly took control of the situation and lat her continued
but again... it would not be Starfleet's fault.
-No star stones, no hunt.
-Excuse me for a sec-
Stupid bloody demon cliche.
Don't believe him on the gargantuan thing guys, it's just as big as a house. Shame, in my head I thought he was Godzilla proportions.
who scours the galaxy in search of The Star stones,
-Wich were made by...
scattered about,
-And they were scattered by whom?
so she can become invincible and rule the universe!
-Are you foing to answer the above? Because I think you forgot something here. Now, what was it? Oh yes...Starfleet made the star stones!!!!!
She is neither initially an enemy of Starfleet or the Equestrians, but just as evil.
-Not really, she just blew things awa...Wait a moment.
When she can't find a star-stone on the planet she searches,
-Wait a second.
she destroys the planet so that the stone cannot be hidden there later.
(Lighting's home planet Harmonious was destroyed in her search) eventually she invaded Unicornicopia, but she could have also hit Equestria any time in her search as well,
Forgettign something? Depending on the original or remake, this is totes Starfleet's fault. See, in the original, this was Titan's dad who wanted the star stones to bring back his dead world. Starfleet, in their unlimited wisdom, wanted none of that. So they let him destroy for eternity.
In the remake, this was an old girlfriend of Titan's who is now trying to regain her beauty. If they let her gain her beauty back, then most of this could be advoided but nope! They selifishly took control of the situation and lat her continued
but again... it would not be Starfleet's fault.
-No star stones, no hunt.
THE INSECTOS(Season 5) They ARE originally enemies of Starfleet,
-Again with the season five shit!!!
but before this, they were mercilessly conquerors and killers. They find a planet they wish to settle on, kill all those living on, and once they're done with that world, they blow it up and go search for another one, repeating the same cycle over and over again.
-Sounds like a very inefficent business model.
Eventually they run in with Starfleet, and the mothership is blasted deep into space, while the leading Insectos vow vengance.
-I mean, really, kill everything and leave it barren? Where are the slaves? Even Frieza had slaves.
-Again with the season five shit!!!
but before this, they were mercilessly conquerors and killers. They find a planet they wish to settle on, kill all those living on, and once they're done with that world, they blow it up and go search for another one, repeating the same cycle over and over again.
-Sounds like a very inefficent business model.
Eventually they run in with Starfleet, and the mothership is blasted deep into space, while the leading Insectos vow vengance.
-I mean, really, kill everything and leave it barren? Where are the slaves? Even Frieza had slaves.
Now, this time... even I can't deny that Starfleet is indirectly responsible fo the Insectos coming to United Equestria in season 5,
-Yeah, maybe they should've killed them. Like they did with all of the other raced they saw as evil. What were these the exception or something?
but again, it was never anticipated they would (Starfleet believed the insectos had perished)
-Ah, I see. Once again, bad planning on thier part.
but on another view, again, the Insectos could have invaded Equestria on their own terms, without ever having met Starfleet.
-And who didn't stop them from coming in the first place? Why, it's Starfleet. Kind of goess around and around here.
-Yeah, maybe they should've killed them. Like they did with all of the other raced they saw as evil. What were these the exception or something?
but again, it was never anticipated they would (Starfleet believed the insectos had perished)
-Ah, I see. Once again, bad planning on thier part.
but on another view, again, the Insectos could have invaded Equestria on their own terms, without ever having met Starfleet.
-And who didn't stop them from coming in the first place? Why, it's Starfleet. Kind of goess around and around here.
Finally, there the BOTH: (Enemies of Both Starfleet and Equestria)
-Aren't you forgetting Are here?
-Aren't you forgetting Are here?
DISCORD(Season 1)
He was already an enemy of the Equestrians in the original FIM verse, in my verse, I undid his redemtion and he was sealed back in stone BEFORE Twilight's Coronation on MAGICAL MYSTERY CURE.
-I would say something here, but this is just messing up with the timeline to hell and back.
He was then taken by Titan and turned into a huge demonic dragon and sent to destroy Unicornicopia.
-And thus made less cool by proxy and turned into one of your less exciting villians.
He was already an enemy of the Equestrians in the original FIM verse, in my verse, I undid his redemtion and he was sealed back in stone BEFORE Twilight's Coronation on MAGICAL MYSTERY CURE.
-I would say something here, but this is just messing up with the timeline to hell and back.
He was then taken by Titan and turned into a huge demonic dragon and sent to destroy Unicornicopia.
-And thus made less cool by proxy and turned into one of your less exciting villians.
So really, it doesn't SEEM TOO MUCH like Starfleet is to blame,
-Again, Titan, cause, transformation. Do the math!
seeing as Discord was already a villain from the get-go, and not even one of THEIR enemies.
-No, but he would've been living it up in the stone prison were it not for your loser!
-Again, Titan, cause, transformation. Do the math!
seeing as Discord was already a villain from the get-go, and not even one of THEIR enemies.
-No, but he would've been living it up in the stone prison were it not for your loser!
DISTRAUGHT(Starfleet Magic: The Movie)
-Now, I know some might ask how Discord fooled anyone with a flimsy disguise...do you really think he cared when he put it on?
-Now, I know some might ask how Discord fooled anyone with a flimsy disguise...do you really think he cared when he put it on?
Discord's son believes both Starfleet and the Equestrians are responsible for the death of his father
-Not totally wrong on this point, they did knock him into a burning piece of rubble.
and his race (Not knowing what a monster his father truly was)
-Ok, so how long ago did he have him? And yes, this is the same question I have with Thrax on PR.
In a way, Starfleet and the Equestrians are responsible for Discord's death, but they had no other choice as THEIR OWN LIVES were on the line,
-Again, I would like to direct you to the Mr. Fantastic scenario above. And no, of course I want out planet safe. But, I have things to point out here.
and it was actually Titan who was more responsible for sending Discord to kill them all.
-The first time or the, ok...I need to recheck the movie. Be right back.
Ok, so it doens't really say that titan sent Discord the firsst round. But there were some draconqui eggs and I have to say that in Fall...those were some nice eggs.
-Not totally wrong on this point, they did knock him into a burning piece of rubble.
and his race (Not knowing what a monster his father truly was)
-Ok, so how long ago did he have him? And yes, this is the same question I have with Thrax on PR.
In a way, Starfleet and the Equestrians are responsible for Discord's death, but they had no other choice as THEIR OWN LIVES were on the line,
-Again, I would like to direct you to the Mr. Fantastic scenario above. And no, of course I want out planet safe. But, I have things to point out here.
and it was actually Titan who was more responsible for sending Discord to kill them all.
-The first time or the, ok...I need to recheck the movie. Be right back.
Ok, so it doens't really say that titan sent Discord the firsst round. But there were some draconqui eggs and I have to say that in Fall...those were some nice eggs.
So, this one is sort of a SHARED fault. Both Starfleet and Equestria were responsible, but in a indirect and understandible way.
-Ahhh, trying to hide behind those words again, eh?
-Ahhh, trying to hide behind those words again, eh?
-Don't laugh, Chernabog looked just like this when he was a teenager.
(Compared to the Dark King... you're about the size of a lipstick tube)
-Talking to Mykan is like a box of chocolates. You are never gonna know wich metaphor you're gonna get.
Both Starfleet and Equestrians were responsible for his creation, by removing evil energy from redeemed prisoners,
-Wich has such evil connotation, I don't think I can really count them all.
this energy began to conquer the world, foricng United Equestria to be frozen for a millennium.
-Kind of a stupid ide on it's part, really. What, was it jusst going, "Eh, evil energy. Might as well take ove the world.
Int he 31st century the dark energy formed the Dark King which lead to the dark era of all the worlds everyone being shrouded in shadows
-So, care to explain how it got sentance or is this one of those, taeke my word for it things.
-Wich has such evil connotation, I don't think I can really count them all.
this energy began to conquer the world, foricng United Equestria to be frozen for a millennium.
-Kind of a stupid ide on it's part, really. What, was it jusst going, "Eh, evil energy. Might as well take ove the world.
Int he 31st century the dark energy formed the Dark King which lead to the dark era of all the worlds everyone being shrouded in shadows
-So, care to explain how it got sentance or is this one of those, taeke my word for it things.
So, YES... this is another fault of both Starfleet and the Equestrians, but
-Mainly Starfleets. As you can't really reform a person by taking away the evil. You have to want it first.
again, it was never anticipated and another accidental cause. Plus, after season 4, this mistake will never initially happen and there will never exist The Dark King.
-Yeah! Unless somene goes crazy to try the experiment again and tries it another time.
However, here lies the rub. This was defintally the cause and while no one could predicted this, it should've been something that was better prepared for by the supposed genius of the group.
-Mainly Starfleets. As you can't really reform a person by taking away the evil. You have to want it first.
again, it was never anticipated and another accidental cause. Plus, after season 4, this mistake will never initially happen and there will never exist The Dark King.
-Yeah! Unless somene goes crazy to try the experiment again and tries it another time.
However, here lies the rub. This was defintally the cause and while no one could predicted this, it should've been something that was better prepared for by the supposed genius of the group.
-Oh god, not season 6. That one was more boring than season 1 of Star Trek TNG!
Even though Starfleet locked up most of them over the ages, the Equestrians who joined Starfleet have locked up their fair share of bad guys too.
-We apologize to those who we might have made mistakes, but remember, Starfleet doesn't need juries for their justice system.
-Oh god, not season 6. That one was more boring than season 1 of Star Trek TNG!
Even though Starfleet locked up most of them over the ages, the Equestrians who joined Starfleet have locked up their fair share of bad guys too.
-We apologize to those who we might have made mistakes, but remember, Starfleet doesn't need juries for their justice system.
So, when those prisoners get released (BY an unscrupulous Equestrian) It IS rather debatable if it's really Starfleet or Equestria's fault, but then consider this. All those villians would wish to conquer worlds, not just Starfleet.
-I blame Starfleet again. It was because of the situations that they caused that created these criminals.
-I blame Starfleet again. It was because of the situations that they caused that created these criminals.
again, this one's for the books (Hard to figure out)
-Probably the only smart thing he has said all day.
But there you have it... So far, in my verse,
-With several, several debatable topics here and there. Not to mention some very hard biases here and there.
There are more Equestrian enemies than Starfleet enemies, and those that usually come to attack United Equestria... it's just something that happens, or could happened with or without Starfleet.
-Just like how in gotham, all of those criminals probably could've attacked with ot without Batman's presence. Or how Gundams do not invite war and trouble doesn't follow around heroes all of the time. Really!
-With several, several debatable topics here and there. Not to mention some very hard biases here and there.
There are more Equestrian enemies than Starfleet enemies, and those that usually come to attack United Equestria... it's just something that happens, or could happened with or without Starfleet.
-Just like how in gotham, all of those criminals probably could've attacked with ot without Batman's presence. Or how Gundams do not invite war and trouble doesn't follow around heroes all of the time. Really!
So you really need to stop blaming Starfleet for all the danger that happens. Danger is Danger, it comes and it goes. These bad guys would have come even if there WAS no starfleet.
-Again, you can't really start saying that. True, some might have come, but some might not have. The presence of Starfleet migh have hastened the creation of such threats or invited them in. To try and say that they would or wouldn't is really folly.
Let us look at the world of the Superman 1978 film, where in there is only one Superhero (Superman) Now, while it is true that LEx was planning on turning California into his brand new parking lot, Superman stopping him only helped to release the kryptonian criminals and allowed them to wreck havok on the planet. Now the question becomes, was Superman more of a problem in that he caused the desctruction of mugh of the US or not. Now, lets say that universe continued and LEx had created Bizzarro and MEtallo. These two would be created because of Superman and his presence would've attracted these ment to fight him.
It's much like how a powerful gunfighter knows that he is attracting trouble just because he is the best.
-Again, you can't really start saying that. True, some might have come, but some might not have. The presence of Starfleet migh have hastened the creation of such threats or invited them in. To try and say that they would or wouldn't is really folly.
Let us look at the world of the Superman 1978 film, where in there is only one Superhero (Superman) Now, while it is true that LEx was planning on turning California into his brand new parking lot, Superman stopping him only helped to release the kryptonian criminals and allowed them to wreck havok on the planet. Now the question becomes, was Superman more of a problem in that he caused the desctruction of mugh of the US or not. Now, lets say that universe continued and LEx had created Bizzarro and MEtallo. These two would be created because of Superman and his presence would've attracted these ment to fight him.
It's much like how a powerful gunfighter knows that he is attracting trouble just because he is the best.
Telling the Police to go away doesn't stop criminals and thieves and all the rest of them...
-Sadly, creating laws like no drugs and no beer causes criminals to rise. IF there was no prohobition, then there would be n gangsters. A bigger police presence also attracts more criminals as they have a desire to prove themselves against the poliece. At the same time, so does povetery and larger towns.
you can't really say it's this or that because what you are trying to argue is a grey matter. Something that comics will be agruing about for years. It's something that great comics would spend issues talking about. Bad comics will try to ignore the subject (It's one of my many gripes with Civil War). You need to understand this before even even trying to breech the subject.
-Sadly, creating laws like no drugs and no beer causes criminals to rise. IF there was no prohobition, then there would be n gangsters. A bigger police presence also attracts more criminals as they have a desire to prove themselves against the poliece. At the same time, so does povetery and larger towns.
you can't really say it's this or that because what you are trying to argue is a grey matter. Something that comics will be agruing about for years. It's something that great comics would spend issues talking about. Bad comics will try to ignore the subject (It's one of my many gripes with Civil War). You need to understand this before even even trying to breech the subject.
Or telling the Teen Titans to leave J.C doesn't stop the villains from coming.
-It would stop the vast majority of them. IT would then be mostly low level crooks.
-It would stop the vast majority of them. IT would then be mostly low level crooks.
Even if you lock up the bad guys or beat the villains, there will always be more to come. That's reality for ya, but it's not the heroes fault (Not directly)
-Again, don't try and make this black and white.
-Again, don't try and make this black and white.
You can't blame the heroes for the villains being around all the time.
-Yeah, one can. The best comics know how to handle this with diginity sand grace.
The fact that the villains even exist is why the heroes exist in the first place.
-In return, many heroes exist just because the villians exist. A lot of anime and video games are evident of this. No Bowser, no Gannon, no Ridely, and no Empire, then no Mario, Link, Samus, and Terra. It's a neverending cycle. Hell, a lot anime heroes exist because the machinations of the villians. Jonathan, Goku, Naruto, Ed, and Gutz are but a few that I can think of that are made because of their villians.
The reason why we create more poliece is because of the criminal element. Just the same, more criminals come out because of the heros.
At least by starfleet being there, when the danger comes they cal all be better prepared for it.
-And yet, sometimes you can be too prepared.
-Yeah, one can. The best comics know how to handle this with diginity sand grace.
The fact that the villains even exist is why the heroes exist in the first place.
-In return, many heroes exist just because the villians exist. A lot of anime and video games are evident of this. No Bowser, no Gannon, no Ridely, and no Empire, then no Mario, Link, Samus, and Terra. It's a neverending cycle. Hell, a lot anime heroes exist because the machinations of the villians. Jonathan, Goku, Naruto, Ed, and Gutz are but a few that I can think of that are made because of their villians.
The reason why we create more poliece is because of the criminal element. Just the same, more criminals come out because of the heros.
At least by starfleet being there, when the danger comes they cal all be better prepared for it.
-And yet, sometimes you can be too prepared.
If you still insist that Starfleet and Heroes are responsible for all the dangers that go on...
-You are taking the time to consider both sides in an argument that really has no right or wrong answer?
I guess you're just hopeless.
-Or you can be like Mykan and be a complete ass!
-You are taking the time to consider both sides in an argument that really has no right or wrong answer?
I guess you're just hopeless.
-Or you can be like Mykan and be a complete ass!
(I feel little better now. This steam blowing helps... but not a lot, any second now, Things Change and voices in my head will get me again)
-Why are you not in Arkham yet?
-Why are you not in Arkham yet?
Until Next time... Mykan out.
-Remember, no black and white.
-Remember, no black and white.
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